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zmhk 2024-05-18 人已围观

简介exhibit_exhibition       exhibit一直是人们关注的焦点,而它的今日更新更是备受瞩目。今天,我将与大家分享关于exhibit的最新动态,希望能为大家提供一些有用的信息。





3.exhibited 这个词是什么意思

4.exibit 和exibition区别



       exhibit 1

       / ?g?z?b?t; ?ɡˋz?b?t/ n

        object or collection of objects displayed for the public, eg in a museum 展览品; 陈列品: a priceless exhibit 一件极贵重的陈列品 * The museum has some interesting new exhibits from India. 博物馆新陈列一些有趣的印度展品. * Do not touch the exhibits. 请勿触摸展品.

        document, object, etc produced as evidence in a lawcourt (当庭出示的)证件, 物证, 证据: The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon. 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀, 据原告称是为谋杀凶器. exhibit 2

       / ?g?z?b?t; ?ɡˋz?b?t/ v

        (a) [Tn] show or display (sth) for the public (for pleasure, for sale, in a competition, in a lawcourt, etc) 当众显示或展出(某物): exhibit flowers at a flower show 在花展上展出花卉 * documents exhibited in a lawcourt 当庭出示的文件. (b) [I, Tn] (of an artist) present (works of art) for the public, esp in an art gallery (指艺术家)展出(艺术品)(尤指於美术馆): The young painter has exhibited (his work) in several galleries. 那年轻画家的作品已在几家美术馆中展出.

        [Tn] (fml 文) show clearly that one possesses (a quality or feeling) 表现, 显示, 显出(某特质或感情): He exhibited total lack of concern for the child. 可以看出他对那孩子毫不关心. * She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb. 她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力.

       > exhibitor n person who displays pictures, flowers, etc at a show (画展、 花展等的)展出者, 参展者: Nearly fifty exhibitors have provided pictures for the display. 有近五十名参展者为画展提供了展品.




       例:a priceless exhibit



       例:The first exhibit was a knife.




       例:Have you seen his painting exhibition?你看过他的画展吗?


       例:an exhibition of bad manners



exhibited 这个词是什么意思




       He always wanted us to exhibit our work together – and now we are.


       And you can then exhibit what you find on the ground in these countries.


exibit 和exibition区别


       vt. 及物动词

       1.展示, 陈列

       Why don't you exhibit his portrait? 你为什麼不展出他的画像?

       2.表示, 显出

       She exhibited no fear in the face of danger. 她面对危险毫无惧色。

       後面加了ed, 有可能是句子本身是过去时, 所以动词要用过去式

       也有可能是过去分词当作形容词, 修饰前面的名词, 表被动~




       exhibit[英][?ɡ'z?b?t]?[美][?ɡ?z?b?t, ?ɡ-]?



